By Domenico Trotta (Imperial College London)
The Sun is an active star, responsible for creating a highly dynamic and complex environment, namely the heliosphere. Solar eruptive phenomena are key consequences of such activity, which recently reached the peak of its 11-years cycle, and their study is of paramount importance to understand many unsolved mysteries of how energy is converted in space and astrophysical plasmas [1], as well as to advance our understanding of space weather, for which they are major drivers [2]. Further, novel spacecraft missions, such as Solar Orbiter [3], are opening a novel observational window into such phenomena with revolutionary measurements in the poorly explored inner heliospheric regions close to the Sun.
Solar eruptive phenomena can drive shock waves in the heliosphere (i.e., interplanetary IP shocks), which crucially can be detected in-situ, thus representing the missing link to remote observations of astrophysical systems. Sometimes IP shocks are observed in forward-reverse pairs, propagating away and towards the Sun in the local plasma frame. Forward-reverse shock pairs typically bound compressed plasma regions at solar wind Stream Interaction Regions (SIRs) between slow and fast wind originating from coronal holes [4]. Early observational evidence shows that fully formed forward-reverse shock pairs are very rare in the inner heliosphere, and more commonly observed beyond 1 AU [5]. Conversely, Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), the largest eruptive events from the Sun, are routinely found driving forward shocks able to accelerate particles to high energies [6]. Further, interaction between multiple CMEs has been shown as a promising pathway for fast energy conversion in the heliosphere, with a complex range of phenomena being observed in such interaction.
In our study, exploiting the in-situ Solar Orbiter instrument payload, we identified a fully formed forward-reverse shock pair at the unusually short heliocentric distance of 0.5 AU. The observation is shown in Figure 1. We found that such shock pair was not originating from a solar wind SIR, but rather from the interaction between a fast CME interacting with a preceding, slow CME, thereby creating a compression region driving the shock pair due its expansion. This enabled us to study IP shocks in highly unusual parameter regimes (for example the forward shock propagating in CME material). Further, in the interaction region between the two CMEs, a large range of interesting phenomena of energy conversion, such as enhanced rate of magnetic reconnection, has been identified.
We then used remote observations from STEREO-A to identify the two CMEs as they were ejected from the Sun, revealing that the first, slow CME was an extremely faint event. Finally, we used well the radially aligned Wind spacecraft to investigate the fate of such interesting structure, and found that it dissipated at 1 AU, where only a weak forward shock is observed, in stark contrast with SIR-driven shock pairs expected to become stronger with heliocentric distances. Thus, we highlighted how without Solar Orbiter at inner heliocentric distance, such structure would not have been possible to observe and investigate, once again underlining how exploiting multiple heliospheric vantage points is invaluable to advance our understanding of both the Sun-Earth system and remote astrophysical environments.
Solar Orbiter direct observation of the forward-reverse shock pair and the interacting CMEs
(full details in the publication).
[1] Rice et al., JGR: Space Physics, 108, 1369 (2003)
[2] Temmer, Liv. Rev. in Sol. Phys., 18, 4 (2021)
[3] Muller et al., A&A, 642, A1 (2020)
[4] Belcher, ApJ, 168, 509 (1971)
[5] Jian et al., Sol. Physics, 239, 337 (2006)
[6] Chen, Liv. Rev. in Sol. Phys., 8, 1 (2011)
See publication for details:
Domenico Trotta et al 2024 ApJL 971 L35
DOI 10.3847/2041-8213/ad68fa
By Simon Opie (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London)
Where and under what conditions the transfer of energy between electromagnetic fields and particles takes place in the solar wind remains an open question. In this paper we resolve to find a quantitative and causative link between turbulence in the solar wind and the occurrence of temperature anisotropy in the proton distribution as measured by Solar Orbiter’s Proton Alpha Sensor (PAS) which is part of the Solar Wind Analyser’s (SWA) suite of instruments. We define and derive the radial rate of strain ΓR as a dynamical measure of the driving of temperature anisotropy by bulk plasma motions. Intervals in the data unstable to the oblique firehose and mirror-mode instabilities are on average characterised by high absolute values of ΓR. We attribute this observation to the proposition that temperature anisotropies associated with these kinetic instabilities are the result of strong, intermittent velocity shears in the turbulent solar wind that cause shearing of the frozen-in magnetic field, with a local double-adiabatic impact on the particle distributions.
We show the distribution of ΓR as bin averages in T⊥/T∥–β∥ parameter space, where T is the temperature, β is the ratio of plasma pressure to magnetic pressure, and the subscripts represent measurement of the quantity either perpendicular (⊥) or parallel (||) to the magnetic field. We overplot the instability thresholds for the Oblique Firehose (OF), Alfvén/Ion cyclotron (A/IC), and Mirror-mode (M) instabilities. We see that the areas of parameter space beyond the thresholds for the oblique firehose and mirror-mode instabilities are well defined by extreme values in the distribution of ΓR.
See publication for details:
Opie, S., Verscharen, D., Chen, C.H.K., Owen, C.J., Isenberg, P.A., Sorriso-Valvo, L., Franci, L., Matteini, L., 2024. Temperature anisotropy instabilities driven by intermittent velocity shears in the solar wind.
Venue Information (
The Exchange is a 10-15 minute walk from Birmingham New Street station, which is the recommended mode of transport for attendance.
There is no on site parking at the venue - the closest parking is (limited) on street parking on Bridge Street. To find accessible parking, please check this website: We would also like to note that there is a clean air zone in place around the centre of Birmingham, that comes with associated costs for driving.
Food will be provided in the form of welcome refreshments, two coffee breaks and a buffet lunch.
Poster and Talk Presentations:
Talks will be 12 minutes in length, including questions. We suggest that talks should target 10 minutes, allowing two for questions. Due to a packed schedule we will have to stick to time throughout the day, please plan your talks accordingly.
There will be two poster sessions during the day, and the poster boards will support portrait A0 posters only. As the poster sessions are not as long as we’d like, we are putting together a repository of posters online for people to browse. This will only be available to registered attendees, and only until the 31st December 2024.
Please check your emails to find the links to submit your talk and poster online. Talks must be submitted online (by the 28th November), while posters may be uploaded to a secure repository if you wish to share your work with the community.
MIST Buddies:
We are aware that Autumn MIST welcomes a range of attendees, many of whom are new to the community and may be attending their first conference. Following last years success, we will be running a "MIST Buddies" scheme this year that informally partners new members with their peers, with an emphasis on PhD students. The purpose of the partnerships is to give new community members a contact point for the day and someone that can give them a helping hand in networking and getting to know the community. We would love to hear from you if you are (a) a new member that would like a partner or (b) willing to be a MIST Buddy.
To get involved please complete the online form (supplied by email) by Friday 22 November. Thank you in advance for helping make the community more welcoming and supportive.
Name Tags:
As trialed last year, we will not be providing name badges and lanyards. Instead we would like for everyone to bring your favourite lanyard and name badges and reuse those. We would also like to have a lanyard amnesty where people can bring a spare lanyard for those who may have forgotten or do not have a lanyard. There will be a small number of stickers available on the day to make your own name tag if needed.
All attendees must follow the MIST/RAS Code of Conduct, which can be found here: Details on reporting breaches of the code of conduct will be provided on the day. Thank you in advance for contributing to a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.
Tips for students:
Last year's student rep on MIST council, Sophie Maguire, wrote an excellent article with lots of advice for first time attendees:
The pub:
After events such as Autumn MIST, it is usually the case that people move to a local pub once the conference has finished. Please do not feel intimidated by this. Everyone is more than welcome to come along and it is a really great platform to get to know people and have some more informal discussions. The official pub for Autumn MIST will be the Purecraft Bar & Kitchen (