Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial

About MIST

MIST is the community of Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial researchers working in the United Kingdom. We represent the interests of MIST scientists and hold meetings to showcase MIST science twice a year.

  • News: News relevant to members of the MIST community.
  • Science: MIST science nuggets, as well as briefing papers designed to introduce policymakers to our research.
  • Meetings: Details of upcoming MIST meetings and summer schools, as well as the list of past MIST meetings.
  • Community: Find out about MIST researchers through the UK, MIST Council, MIST's mailing list, as well as the MIST Charter and history of the organisation.
  • Awards: The awards that MIST researchers are eligible for, alongside a list of those who have been honoured.

BIS Capital Investment Consultation Exercise

The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) has launched a consultation exercise on "Proposals for
Long-Term Capital Investment in Science & Research".  Anyone is welcome to contribute to the consultation exercise at an individual level and coordinated responses are being created from various organisations including MIST via MIST council and the SSAP (Solar Systems Advisory Panel from STFC).

You can see the documentation here:

BIS consultation document

You can put in your response here:

Respond to BIS consultation

The consultation closes on 4th July 2014.