We look forward to welcoming you all to the MIST meeting taking place on Friday 24 January 2020 and would like to remind you all of a few details for the day.
Location and Registration Fees
This year the meeting will be held at the Geological Society (across the courtyard from the RAS) at Burlington House. Registration is open from 09:30 and the meeting starts at 10:30. The registration fee is £25 - we can only accept on-the-door payments in cash.
New Programme
Click here for an up-to-date version of the programme and here for abstracts. Please notify us of any errors or omissions in the programme as soon as possible.
Presenter Information
Contributed talks are scheduled as 12 minutes long, which should include 2 minutes for questions. Lightning talks must be a maximum of one slide and a duration of 2 minutes. The projector is suitable for slides with a 16:9 aspect ratio. The poster boards are suitable for A0 portrait posters - please do not bring posters wider than A0 portrait as you will be unable to fully display your poster.
Code of Conduct
The community has voted to reschedule Autumn MIST for 24 January 2020.
The kick-off event for the Space Weather Innovation, Measurement, Modelling and Risk Study (one of the Wave 2 programmes of the UKRI Strategic Priorities Fund) took place in the Wolfson Library of the Royal Society on Tuesday November 26th. Seventy-five people attended the event, representing a range of academic institutions, as well as representatives from industry, government and public sector research establishments such as the UK Met Office.
The morning session of the meeting consisted of five presentations, introducing the programme and its relevance to government, the Research Councils and the Met Office, as well as describing details of the potential calls. The presentations were as follows:
During the lunch break, the Announcement of Opportunity for the five NERC SWIMMR calls was issued on the NERC web site. The afternoon therefore began with a brief introduction by Jacky Wood to the NERC Announcement of Opportunity, and the particular terms and conditions which it contained.
The remainder of the afternoon session was spent in a Question and Answer session in which attendees were able to ask questions to the speakers about the nature of the programme and the potential timing of future calls, and finally to an informal discussion session, in which participants gathered into groups to discuss the opportunities for funding which had been outlined.