If you know of a fantastic colleague that you'd like to nominate for an award, see what they might be eligible for below:
RAS Thesis Prize [Deadline 31st January]
IoP Thesis Prize [Deadline 30th November]
EPS Thesis Prize [Deadline 28th November]
RAS Early Career Award [Deadline 31st July]
IoP Bronze Award [Deadline 15th January]
AGU Basu Award [Deadline 15th April]
EGU Arne Richter Award [Deadline 15th June]
RAS Fowler Award [Deadline 31st July]
IoP Silver Award [Deadline 15th January]
AGU Macelwane Medal [Deadline 15th April]
AGU Alfven/Bates/Bartels Medals [Deadline 15th June]
RAS Gold Medal [Deadline 31st July]
IoP Gold Medal [Deadline 15th January]
AGU Parker/Van Allen Lectures [Deadline 15th April]
RAS Annie Maunder [Deadline End of September]
Royal Society Rosalind Franklin [Deadline November]
RAS Caroline Herschel Medal [Deadline 7th October]
Herschel Society - Caroline Herschel Lectureship [Deadline 30th April]
IoP Jocelyn Bell Burnell Medal [Deadline 31st January]
RAS Chapman Medal [Deadline 31st July] - Investigation of Outstanding Merit
RAS Group Award [Deadline 31st July] - Achievement by a Large Consortia
RAS Service Award [Deadline 31st July] - Promoted/Facilitated/Encouraged Science
Please be aware, definitions of "Early", "Mid" and "Late" career do vary between awards.