6 September 2012, 09:35-11:00
Participants: Emma Woodfield, David Southwood, Rob Fear, Mike Hapgood, Mario Bisi (from 10:40)
- Autumn MIST meeting
- In RAS Lecture Theatre on 30 November
- Rob and Emma will act as organisers and issue call soon
- Invite Tim Horbury to give keynote talk on TRIO-CINEMA (cubesat to launch very soon, ULF wave studies)
- Think on other options for another keynote talk and circulate ideas to MIST Council by Monday 10th
- Dungey Lecture and associated meetings
- First Dungey lecture will be given at the RAS ordinary meeting on 11 January 2013, after the specialist meeting organised by Mark and Mervyn ("Integrated Atmospheric and Space Science")
- RAS will agree choice of first lecturer at Council meeting on 12 October
- There will also be a separate meeting to celebrate Jim's 90th birthday – on 10 January in Geol Soc lecture theatre. Programme to be arranged once the Dungey lecturer is known.
- David will prepare a note about these events – for distribution to MIST list.
- Geophysics Forum
- RAS and other Learned Societies are organising a Geophysics Forum similar to Astronomy Forum, a forum where heads of departments can talk with funding bodies: NERC plus HEFCE and its siblings
- Duncan Wingham (NERC CEO) is supporting this
- There will be two fora – essentially one for fluids (oceanography, atmospheric science, STP, …) and one for solids (internal geomagnetism, solid earth geophysics, …)
- For MIST we will need to watch the fluid/solid interface in terms of geomagnetism, e.g. groups like Liverpool and BGS.
- Main membership will be university departments. Letters of invitation have now gone out to HoDs.
- But invite RC centes (BAS, BGS, RAL Space) and Met Office as observers
- Fora attendance needs to be kept to level (say 30) that enables effective meetings. So may need care where there are multiple groups in one university, e.g. UCL/MSSL. This has been an issue in Astronomy Forum.
- NAM2013
- Mike will contact St Andrews to check the state of their planning – and will cc Rob Massey at RAS. He will also note our views about the need for a good poster session and clear prior rules on abstract submission – and explore if there is scope for a rich programme of MIST sessions. If we can do that, we don’t need a separate MIST event in the Spring, especially given the Dungey Lecture and associated meetings in January.
- Depending on this response, Mike will then encourage MIST community to think about sessions for St Andrews NAM.
- Face-to-face meeting
- Mike will poll to find dates for a face-to-face MIST Council meeting soon after 12 October.
- Website
- Need to update current pages. Rob will see Andrew Walsh this weekend and ask if it is now possible to authorise other MIST people to add items using the RAS Content Management System.
- Rishbeth Prize
- Mike will check with Mike Cruise if he can fund a third prize this year so we can deal with the tie in the voting