A workshop on radio scintillation called “Scintillating Science: Cutting-Edge Science Achieved Through the Observations of Radio Scintillation” will be held in Hermanus (near Cape Town) in South Africa. The conference will be held 15–19 July 2019.
The workshop will cover all aspects of scintillation from the science (including all the domains in which it can be applied, e.g. ionosphere, heliosphere, interstellar) through to engineering concepts/requirements including all aspects of its theory/modelling. More detailed themes will appear on the workshop website before the end of March 2019, alongside invited speakers.
Early registration and abstract submission opens on 25 March 2019 and close on 31 May 2019. More information, including more dates, can be found on the workshop's webpage.
The UK Solar Orbiter Workshop is to be held on 3–4 June 2019 at University College London. For more details, visit the conference website, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or click here to register. All members of the UK solar physics community interested in the Solar Orbiter mission goals are encouraged to attend, and registration will close on 15 May 2019. Due to venue limitations the number of participant is capped, and early registration is encouraged.
Solar Orbiter is an ESA/NASA mission designed to answer some of the key questions in heliophysics, from the origin and variability of the solar wind to the link between solar eruptions, magnetic fields and energetic particles. Solar Orbiter will have a unique combination of in-situ and remote-sensing instruments, probing the atmosphere close to the Sun in and out of the ecliptic plane. The modeling of the magnetic environment that will be experienced by the satellite and its connection to the Sun will be key to the success of both the in-flight operations as well as to the mission’s scientific goals.
With the launch of Solar orbiter scheduled for February 2020, the UK solar Orbiter Workshop aims to bring together the expertise of the UK solar community in magnetic modeling and model validation, to increase the UK impact on the international efforts in preparation for Solar Orbiter operations, and to coordinate the UK efforts for the exploitation of the satellite observations.
Following the huge success of Interact 2017, this landmark symposium will be returning as Interact 2019 on Wednesday 4th September 2019 at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in Preston, Lancashire. Click here for registration details and to find out more.
Spanning the physical and life sciences this event offers something for everyone with an interest in improving their public engagement capabilities. It will provide a fantastic opportunity to learn new ways to engage with your audience, explore the barriers to engagement and discuss how the engagement landscape is changing. But above all, it will be a chance to share your experiences with like-minded people in a fun and friendly environment.
The STFC, IOP, SEPnet, RSC, RAS Ogden Trust and UCLan are partnering together to develop an inspiring, challenging and refreshing programme on the following key themes:
The detailed content of the day will be co-created and you will be able to vote on proposals by fellow delegates, so get your thinking caps on!
The Partially Ionised Plasmas in Astrophysics (PIPA2019) conference is to be held in Mallorca in June 3-7, 2019. The meeting will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between participants from all areas of astrophysics in which partially ionised plasmas play a capital role, from the Earth's ionosphere to partially ionised regions in galaxies, which also includes solar chromosphere, interstellar medium, stellar formation, protostellar discs, planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres, etc. For information about the conference, including the venue, accommodation, preliminary invited speakers and talks, click here. The deadline for registration, abstract submission and hotel reservations is 1 April 2019.
A Royal Astronomical Society discussion meeting entitled Transitioning Research and Instrument Expertise in Heliophysics into Space Weather Monitoring Capabilities at L1 and L5 is to be held at Burlington House on 8 March, convened by Richard Harrison (STFC), Jackie Davies (STFC), and Jonny Rae (MSSL). This meeting specifically targets the exploitation of our research and instrumentation for space weather applications, in particular, associated with the ESA Lagrange mission and the associated NASA L1 mission. The RAS page for the meeting is here, and the programme is available here.
Read more: RAS discussion meeting on space weather monitoring at L1 and L5