Congratulations to James Blake (Leicester) and Sam Tuttle (Southampton), who have won this year's Rishbeth prizes.
James won the prize for the best MIST poster - his poster was on "H3+ peak altitude emission on Saturn".
Sam won the prize for the best MIST student talk - his talk was entitled "Estimating the energy spectrum of auroral electron precipitation at subkilometre spatial scales using multi-monochromatic optical observations".
Both will be contributing articles to A&G, so if you missed either of these presentations, you will be able to read about them there.
Congratulations to James and Sam, and many thanks to all who presented talks and posters at NAM.
Congratulations to Simon Thomas (Reading) and Hanna Dahlgren (Southampton/KTH), who won this year's Rishbeth prizes for their presentations at the Spring MIST meeting.
Simon won the prize for the best student talk, which was "Can we remote sense coronal mass ejections using neutron monitors?"
Hanna won the prize for the best poster, for "Investigation of the electrodynamics and formation mechanism of a polar cap arc".
Articles by both winners now appear in A&G (Thomas et al., Dahlgren et al.)
Voting is now open for a position on MIST Council. There are two candidates:
All members on the MIST mailing list should have received an email with a link to the voting form. The ballot will close at 23:00 BST on 3rd July, and the result will be announced the following day at the MIST business meeting at NAM. The elected candidate will join Mike Hapgood, Emma Woodfield, Mario Bisi and Rob Fear, all of whom remain on MIST Council.
The June edition is online at:
These short, informal newsletters, issued every month on approximately the first day of the month, are intended to keep IUGG Member National Committees informed about the activities of the IUGG Associations and actions of the IUGG Secretariat.
The membership of MIST Council is staggered, such that each year at least one position becomes vacant each year. This year there is one post up for election. If you would like to stand for election, or would like to nominate someone else, then please email Rob Fear (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by the 31st May.
If you wish to nominate someone else, please first check with them to ensure they are willing to stand.
The elected candidate will join Mike Hapgood, Emma Woodfield, Mario Bisi and Rob Fear, all of whom remain on MIST Council. If you would like more information about what membership of MIST Council entails, then please contact one of them.
The election timetable is as follows:
Friday 31st May - close of nominations
Monday 3rd June - polls open
Friday 28th June - polls close
Monday 1st July - result announced