29 October 2012, Conference room 13, RAL
Participants: Mike Hapgood, Emma Woodfield, Mario Bisi, Rob Fear, David Southwood
- Agree agenda
- Agenda agreed
- Draft SSAP report
- Draft and Agreed note to send on behalf of STP community
- Sent 4 minutes before formal deadline at noon
- Put on MIST web site
- Autumn MIST
- Coffee and rooms are booked
- RAS LT for talks
- Council room for coffee
- Can have 3 sessions and run until about 17:00
- Tim Horbury to give invited talk
- Will need talk on state of MIST
- Deadline is coming Friday (2 Nov) - already have 6 abstracts
- Posters
- Suggestion to put boards against Council table
- But this limits us to use one side of board
- Will review when we know how many posters we have
- Dungey Special Meeting and Lecture
- Reviewed David's draft annoucement
- David chasing up other old students of Jim
- Looking for younger scientists to talk about topics on which Jim has worked
- ULF waves
- reconnection
- radiation belts
- Meeting is in GeolSoc LT so can handle 200+
- but some concern we may exceed this
- do we need tickets so numbers are controlled?
- David may ask Imperial secretary to collect registrations
- NAM 2013
- Plenaries
- First choice is Mark Lester as Mark missed slot at NAM 2012
- Other possibilities
- Andrew Fazakerley - follow up to his Chapman Medal
- Malcolm Dunlop - SWARM
- Richard Horne - RBSP
- Mike to discuss with SOC
- How to build programme?
- Need to make a Call for Ideas
- Start Call at Autumn MIST
- MIST web site
- Rob and Emma now in control of web site
- Reviewed content on-line and agreed some changes
- Remove old links
- Tidy up list of groups
- Collect data on indicators of esteem for MIST scientists
- Fellowships
- Awards and Named Lectures
- Promoting our science
- Briefing papers
- Mike to chase up old list ot proposed papers
- Some exist in draft form
- EISCAT_3D should be a priority
- Re-prompt for ideas at Autumn MIST
- Can authors recycle material from proposals
- Other options
- Rad belts - can Spacecast help?
- Artificial aurora - Lancaster?
- History - David interested to write about Alfven, Chapman, Dungey and Birkeland
- Promote outreach sites
- SunEarthPlan.net
- SolarStormWatch
- Should we have a MIST equivalent to UKSP nuggets?
- How to sustain?
- MIST Council election 2013
- needs to take place before "Spring MIST" @ NAM2013
- Mike to flag this at Autumn MIST
- circulate note to Heads of Groups - ask them to encourage candidates so we have a good election
- Date of next MIST Council meeting
- telecon in Feb/Mar 2013
- Rishbeth Prize money
- Mike to check status with RAS