The Triennial Earth-Sun Summit (TESS) is scheduled for 9–12 August 2021 Bellevue/Seattle, Washington, USA.
Once every three years, AAS, AAS/SPD, and AGU/SPA meet jointly to bring together the major subfields of the Sun-Earth connection: the Sun and its corona, the heliosphere, the magnetosphere, the thermosphere, the ionosphere, and related systems. The TESS meetings are a chance for specialists to step back and consider the system as a whole, stimulating cross-fertilisation and new insights.
The TESS program is adaptable to the science community. In addition to invited plenary sessions, we solicit session proposals from the community for cross-cutting topics within the spirit of the TESS meetings. TESS sessions are oral sessions assigned in one or more 2-hour blocks, with 1-3 invited speakers and contributed talks; or panel discussions covering progress, current status, or future directions of a major cross-field subtopic of heliophysics.
Session proposals have a deadline of 29 January 2021, and should include proposer names, a topic, a short précis describing why the topic is of interest, and some ideas for invited speakers or scene-setters. Proposers may (but are not required to) contact proposed invited speakers before submission.
The TESS submission forms are being finalized by the AAS/SPD and the URL will be announced by the end of this month in a follow-up to this note. TESS also supports workshops and/or town halls outside of the primary science program. These will be solicited when the session website goes online.
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