By Alina Bendt (CFSA, University of Warwick)
The in-situ measurements of the solar wind by Solar Orbiter provide the opportunity to study turbulence at very high Reynolds numbers in a nearly collissionless plasma. Turbulence is a potential contributor to the heating, structure, and dynamics of the solar wind. With Solar Orbiter it is now possible to study the evolution of solar wind turbulence. We use Solar Orbiter observations of nine extended intervals of homogeneous turbulence to determine under what conditions turbulent magnetic field fluctuations may be characterized as: (i) wave-packets and (ii) coherent structures. We perform the first systematic scale-by-scale decomposition of the magnetic field using two wavelets known to resolve wave-packets and discontinuities, the Daubechies 10 and Haar respectively. We compare the functional forms of the fluctuation probability distributions obtained from these wavelet decompositions via quantile-quantile plots. The comparison of the fluctuation pdfs between the two wavelets reveals three distinct regimes of behaviour and establishes a crossover range between wave-packet and coherent structure phenomenology in the inertial and kinetic ranges. The crossover range is seen to exhibit a distinct 2-component functional form. And the behaviour of the crossover range depends on the heliocentric distance and field alignment angle. As coherent structures and wave-wave interactions are both candidates to mediate the turbulent cascade, these results offer new insights into the distinct physics of the inertial and kinetic ranges.
Probability distribution functions (pdfs) comparison between Haar and Db10 wavelet
decompositions of the magnetic field. Pdfs are shown for Bperp(Vsw ⋅ B)} for four
example intervals (rows). The chosen intervals (top down) are at 0.989 au with β=0.95
and θ=18.07°, at 0.934 au with β=2.08 and θ=160.93°, at 0.597 au with β=2.48 and θ=68.63°,
and at 0.37 au with β=0.76 and θ=16.82°. The scales shown are increasing from left to right
at 0.25, 0.5, 2 and 8 s. Empty purple circles are obtained from the Db10 wavelet decomposition,
while green circles are from the Db10 wavelet decomposition. The pdfs are normalised by bin
width and overall number of samples of magnetic field data. The number of bins is scaled by
the standard deviation σ at the corresponding scale and bins with less than 10 counts are
discarded. The error is estimated as √n, where ν is the bin count, error bars are too small to
be resolved visually.
See publication for further information:
Bendt, A., Chapman, S. C., Dudok de Wit, T. (2024). The relative prevalence of wave packets and coherent structures in the inertial and kinetic ranges of turbulence as seen by Solar Orbiter. The Astrophysical Journal, 971:179.